================ Chest Protection ================ WorldGuard provides rudimentary self-serve chest protection that a player may utilize by placing a sign underneath their chest with specially formatted text. We generally advise new setups to **not** use this chest protection as it is not an actively updated part of WorldGuard. In addition, :doc:`regions ` are a preferred method of defining ownership because it does not have problems involving blocks like hoppers. .. warning:: Chest protection in WorldGuard does not support UUIDs, so users will not be able to access chests if they change names. It also operates independently of regions and other protection. **It is highly recommended to not use this feature in WorldGuard, but use a dedicated plugin such as LWC Extended if you need single-block, sign-based protection. The feature will be removed from WorldGuard in a future version.** Getting Started =============== Chest protection must first be enabled in the :doc:`config`. With it disabled, chest protection will not be active but it will still not be possible to make "lock signs" (however, this can also be disabled in the configuration). A sign is protected as long as a *special sign is placed under a chest*. This sign: * Must be a sign post * Must be under a chest or inventory (for double chests, it only needs to be under one side) * Have the text ``[Lock]`` on the first line * Have the player's username on the second line * Have up to two more other players' names on the next two lines It is not possible to place someone else's name on the second line.